Δευτέρα 30 Ιουλίου 2012

FREE Sequin Summer Dress

If you are from Denmark log into stardoll, click HERE and enter the competition by making a scenery on the contest. Done!!

If you are from anywhere else you HAVE TO use a manual proxy,otherwise there is no way to get it.

(If you do not know how to use manual proxies click
 ----> HERE <---  to learn. You have to FOLLOW THE STEPS EXACTLY AS IT IS WRITTEN!!!!)

Use this:
IP: PORT: 8118

(not a good proxy if you know another one from denmark let us know in your comments)

After setting one of the proxies go here:

Log in and  enter the competition by making a scenery on the contest. Done  ..cross off the proxy. The  dress will be in your suite.
...xoxo MSM

free Evil Panda Jacket

If You are from Germany, then just log in and click here
If You are from somewhere else, go to www.4proxy.de
And paste this link to the URL bar: http://www.stardoll.com/en/contest/view.php?id=3080

Press enter and then log in to Stardoll
After that You have to answer the quizz.
 I answered Cameron Diaz, but I think You don't have to answer correctly

Close the proxy, go to Your suite
And You have it!


ATTENTION: 1.In case there will be pop up ads during the time you are using the proxy...close them and continue with the steps....don't click on any of them...we cannot guarantee the safety of a proxy.2.Always Check the date of the post....OLD freebies might NOT be available anymore!!! 3.If you had this item in the past...You CANNOT get it again

free Olympic Bike

1)Log in stardoll and Go to campaign page:
2)Scroll Down and Click on this icon
A question will pop up
3)Choose 3rd option 'National Covergirl' and Click Submit button
Bike should be in a Starplaza box in your suite [:

free olympic vase, latern and torch

1)Log in stardoll and Go to this link:
2)Put the items in your shopping cart and Buy for 0sc
Items should be in a Starplaza box your suite
*You can re-visit the link and buy them more times [:

free Olympic Hat

1)Log in stardoll and Go to campaign page:
2)Scroll Down and Click on Eiffel tower icon
A question will pop up
3)Choose 3rd option and Click Submit button
Hat should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite [:

Free JD3 Disco Ball

-If you are from Brazil - Log in and Enter contest HERE
-If you're not from Brazil - Follow these steps:
1)Go to a Brazilian proxy like:
brazilunblock.info OR brazilsurf.info OR brazilproxy.com OR freewebsurf.info
2)Paste the contest link into the Address bar of the proxysite
3)Click Go or Press Enter on your keyboard
4)Log in Stardoll
5)Tick the answer Sandra Rosa Madalena - Sidney Magal and Click Enter Competition button
6)Wait till page loads with 'Your contest entry has been submitted' text
7)Leave the proxy and Go to Stardoll as usual
Ball should be in a Just Dance bag in your suite [:

free barbie

-If you are from UK - Log in and Join the club by clicking HERE and Visit a link HERE
-If you don't live in UK, Follow these steps 
1)Go to UK proxy site like -
ccgi.goochy.plus.com OR webypass.info/ OR proxay.co.uk/
2)Paste this club link in the Web Address/http bar on the proxy
3)Click Go or Press Enter on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
You should be automatically joined to the club --in case you aren't:
Refresh the club page OR Open a new tab, Close the proxy, and Go again to proxy and re-follow the steps
5)Now on proxy's Address bar Paste this link:
6)ClickGo or Press Enter
7)You will be redirected to argos.co.uk page, Wait till it loads
8)Close/Leave the proxy and Go to stardoll as usual
Sunglasses should be in giftbox and Earrings in a Barbie bag your suite [: